Wednesday 1 June 2016


Katie, Selena, Zoe and I are in dance with Miss Lake. I chose dance because I really enjoyed it so much with her last time for Loburn’s got talent so I wanted to do it again. I didn't expect to see so many people and there were also boys which was surprising. 

We got to choose if we wanted to do hip hop or another type of style. I chose hip hop. Then Miss Lake put up some dance moves for us to follow. 

 I liked that we could choose our own type of style instead of Miss Lake telling us which one to do. Katie, Selena, Zoe and I are going to do a hip hop dance from scratch. We also get to choose our own music. After an hour and a half of dance I was tired but I learnt a lot of new hip hop moves and I can't wait to do it again on Friday.

For Friday my goal is going to be to make an awesome dance and make sure I help out anyone who doesn't know the moves and help to learn them and most importantly HAVE FUN. 


  1. I hope you enjoy doing your dance club and maybe all the dancers will get to show their dance with the rest of the school at the end of the term?
    I sad that I'll miss out the next clouds because I'll be at the ropes day for WPCA! Have fun!

  2. I am looking forward to seeing your dance sounds like lots of fun. I wouldn't really expect any boys there either. It's good that you had a choice of what type of dance you are doing.

  3. I like that you are enjoying dance, it is a great opportunity to follow your passion. I look forward to seeing your dance.

  4. Thanks Annabelle there were actually 4 boys in dance.

  5. I really like that you have set yourself goals for dance. I am really enjoying seeing the progress that you are making each week and the smiles you are all having during dance.

  6. I lik that you have explained why you like what your doing in dance, good job Kate!

  7. Clubs are so good for everyone being able to follow and experiment more with what they love doing. I am pleased that you are enjoying dance and challenging yourself with new moves. I look forward to seeing your dance. Video it and put on your blog.
