Friday 27 May 2016

Cross Country

Week 4 Cross country
Here it was the day we have all been training for,CROSS COUNTRY. We were all nervous.

Lots of parents were there watching the children cross the finish line, it was nice to see all of the other children cheering them on.

Every time I heard the clappers go I knew it was getting closer and closer to my race. My heart was pounding and pounding.

I was so nervous and CLAP we were off we had to run 2.5km. We had to run in through the forest, up the hill and around the bottom twice. Once I was finished I was certainly puffed. Then I had to go to netball practice.

Anzac Inquiry Bye Kate N and Kate S

This is Kate S and my presentation it is all about the kids during the war. We hope you like it and hope you learn something out of this presentation.😀😊

Tuesday 24 May 2016

5 Times Tables

The Sheep Pig

We are reading a novel called The Sheep Pig and this Pig wants to be a dog but it is a pig so maybe,just maybe it can be a sheep pig.

Friday 20 May 2016

Mt Richardson

Last friday of week 2 the whole school went on a Mt Richardson walk.

Phoebe, Jan and I walked at the back together (Jan is Payton’s grandma).It took about 2 hours to get up the mountain and then we had morning tea. The view was AMAZING when we got to the top and then we had lunch while we were at the top. On the way down I got a bleeding nose and Phoebe almost fell off the side.When we were crossing a bridge we thought we heard someone under it and then Rhys’s mum popped out a gave us a fright that was funny.We had lots and lots of fun and I can’t wait to do something like that again. :)

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Taking Cover

One day a family of monkeys were collecting some food. It was dark and the mum said to everyone. 

"We have enough it's about to rain, so let's go home. Come on Jojo." 
Jojo was the runt of the family, he loved the outdoors. 

"I just have to get this one," said Jojo
"It's too high," said his dad. "I can do it!" said Jojo. 

As he reached out to grab the fruit he slipped in the wet weather and fell all the way down.

"NOOOOOOOOO!"cried his parents. 

As Jojo was just about to hit the ground he grabbed on to a vine and swung all the way back up to his parents and fell into there arms. 

"I told you I could get it!" said Jojo. 
"Phew" laughed his parents with relief.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Mass Explain Everything

This term we have been learning about Measurement in maths. Kate and I became experts in Mass. Below is an explain everything that we created to share our learning. We hope you gain a better understanding of this topic from watching our video.

Mass Explain Everything

Last term we started measurement. There were three major topics and our teachers gave us one between two.  Kate and I  we have become experts in Mass. Here is our explain everything!