Wednesday 11 May 2016

Taking Cover

One day a family of monkeys were collecting some food. It was dark and the mum said to everyone. 

"We have enough it's about to rain, so let's go home. Come on Jojo." 
Jojo was the runt of the family, he loved the outdoors. 

"I just have to get this one," said Jojo
"It's too high," said his dad. "I can do it!" said Jojo. 

As he reached out to grab the fruit he slipped in the wet weather and fell all the way down.

"NOOOOOOOOO!"cried his parents. 

As Jojo was just about to hit the ground he grabbed on to a vine and swung all the way back up to his parents and fell into there arms. 

"I told you I could get it!" said Jojo. 
"Phew" laughed his parents with relief.


  1. This piece of writing is amazing great use of words you used to write this story.

  2. That is really inspirational and a great. Peace of writing can't wait to see more

  3. That was a really nice story I love the ending it was a very happy ending. Great job!

    1. Thanks Phoebe can't wait to see your's!!!!

  4. Don't worry yours will be better!

  5. Don't worry yours will be better!
