Friday 2 December 2016

Omaka Camp

If you're looking for a fun,relaxing,peaceful experience away come to Omaka Scout Camp. There is a river, hospitality, lots of wildlife,heaps of room to run around and play. *The outdoor activities includes a river,exiting wildlife with eels which love your attention. *The hospitality includes a big kitchen space,great bedding,a big hall to dine in,hot showers and clean fresh toilets. So come and spend some time away from the city life and relax at Omaka Scout Camp.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Kate N- take the stage

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had our yearly speech Competition I was lucky enough to go through to the quad school competition. Phoebe was a big help as she was my button clicker for the transitioning. I got 2nd place out of 4 schools and 8 kids.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Kate N,Phoebe and Lucy's Explain Everything.

Phoebe,Lucy and I explain everything I hope you enjoy and learnt something out of this video.

NO to extending school hours.

We already come to school for 6 hours which is 30 hours a week. Loburn school proposal to extend school hours would cause problems for our brains,our family's and our teachers.

I think we should keep our own time as 9:00 to 3:00 because our brains will burst if we have it as 8:30 to 3:30. Also it would be hard for us kids to take in all the information and I think that because the hours of school are longer we would be getting more work to do.

It would also affect our family because my siblings need to go to high school at different times so it would be hard for us to get to school and also they got to get to school. So 8:30 would not work.

Another reason why this would not work is because the teachers might have other children that go to different schools at the same time and the teachers would not be able to get to this shoot in time.

Therefore,extending the school hours would NOT be beneficial for the children, families and the teachers.

Monday 20 June 2016

4x4 times tables.

In maths we are working on our times tables and how to work out the best options for our questions. Hope you enjoy and learn something out of this video.

Friday 17 June 2016

Martariki Phoebe and Kate N

In Literacy this Week Kate N and i have been learning about Matariki. There are some interesting facts and some videos have a watch then give us some feedback in the comments below.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Phoebe and I rounding and compensating.

Phoebe and I have made and explain everything on rounding and compensating. We hope you injoy it.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Katie, Selena, Zoe and I are in dance with Miss Lake. I chose dance because I really enjoyed it so much with her last time for Loburn’s got talent so I wanted to do it again. I didn't expect to see so many people and there were also boys which was surprising. 

We got to choose if we wanted to do hip hop or another type of style. I chose hip hop. Then Miss Lake put up some dance moves for us to follow. 

 I liked that we could choose our own type of style instead of Miss Lake telling us which one to do. Katie, Selena, Zoe and I are going to do a hip hop dance from scratch. We also get to choose our own music. After an hour and a half of dance I was tired but I learnt a lot of new hip hop moves and I can't wait to do it again on Friday.

For Friday my goal is going to be to make an awesome dance and make sure I help out anyone who doesn't know the moves and help to learn them and most importantly HAVE FUN. 

Friday 27 May 2016

Cross Country

Week 4 Cross country
Here it was the day we have all been training for,CROSS COUNTRY. We were all nervous.

Lots of parents were there watching the children cross the finish line, it was nice to see all of the other children cheering them on.

Every time I heard the clappers go I knew it was getting closer and closer to my race. My heart was pounding and pounding.

I was so nervous and CLAP we were off we had to run 2.5km. We had to run in through the forest, up the hill and around the bottom twice. Once I was finished I was certainly puffed. Then I had to go to netball practice.

Anzac Inquiry Bye Kate N and Kate S

This is Kate S and my presentation it is all about the kids during the war. We hope you like it and hope you learn something out of this presentation.😀😊

Tuesday 24 May 2016

5 Times Tables

The Sheep Pig

We are reading a novel called The Sheep Pig and this Pig wants to be a dog but it is a pig so maybe,just maybe it can be a sheep pig.

Friday 20 May 2016

Mt Richardson

Last friday of week 2 the whole school went on a Mt Richardson walk.

Phoebe, Jan and I walked at the back together (Jan is Payton’s grandma).It took about 2 hours to get up the mountain and then we had morning tea. The view was AMAZING when we got to the top and then we had lunch while we were at the top. On the way down I got a bleeding nose and Phoebe almost fell off the side.When we were crossing a bridge we thought we heard someone under it and then Rhys’s mum popped out a gave us a fright that was funny.We had lots and lots of fun and I can’t wait to do something like that again. :)

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Taking Cover

One day a family of monkeys were collecting some food. It was dark and the mum said to everyone. 

"We have enough it's about to rain, so let's go home. Come on Jojo." 
Jojo was the runt of the family, he loved the outdoors. 

"I just have to get this one," said Jojo
"It's too high," said his dad. "I can do it!" said Jojo. 

As he reached out to grab the fruit he slipped in the wet weather and fell all the way down.

"NOOOOOOOOO!"cried his parents. 

As Jojo was just about to hit the ground he grabbed on to a vine and swung all the way back up to his parents and fell into there arms. 

"I told you I could get it!" said Jojo. 
"Phew" laughed his parents with relief.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Mass Explain Everything

This term we have been learning about Measurement in maths. Kate and I became experts in Mass. Below is an explain everything that we created to share our learning. We hope you gain a better understanding of this topic from watching our video.

Mass Explain Everything

Last term we started measurement. There were three major topics and our teachers gave us one between two.  Kate and I  we have become experts in Mass. Here is our explain everything!

Friday 1 April 2016


Today the 1st of April we did the pola plunge for the end of the term fun and these were some photos of how it was.

Thursday 24 March 2016


This is my quote


This week we have started measurement. Kate and I buddied up then every one had to find 4 different things to measure the weight with. Next we had to estimate what we thought they would weigh. Then we had to actually weigh it. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Its all about me

Hi my name is Kate and I am an 11 yr old girl. My favourite animal is a dog.I like to swim and play with my friends.

Friday 5 February 2016


On Thursday the 4th of February I went to technology for the first time. We strolled into the wood works class and Mrs Turner explained the rules for the new year 7s. First the year 7s from Lobutn started with cooking. Teacher for cooking was Mrs Fleming